Monday, November 29, 2010

Aphogee: My Hair Miracle

Hey all! I'm Ms_She and am dying to talk to you about everything hair! First things first, let's figure out what’s going on up there. What most women don't realize is that hair is like a person. It has a personality. It knows what it loves and what it hates, regardless of what you love and hate.

Is Your Hair Damaged?
Some signs of damage are obvious, like if you have a head full of split ends or the white crunchy-looking ends. If this is you, no matter how famous your stylist is or how expensive your hair products are, you're hair will never look good until you get a trim. Your hair will appreciate it, trust me. I know - I used to be scared of trims, too. But your hair is going to look long, stringy, and dull without one.

For those of you reading this saying,” I don’t have split ends, my hair looks fine”, understand that looks can be deceiving. Porous hair isn't obvious, but it is deadly (I know, a little dramatic, but you get the point). Porous hair means the cuticles of the hair shaft are raised, so hair doesn’t hold moisture, it absorbs color unevenly, and any relaxers you may use will cause severe dryness. Signs that your hair is porous:

* Does it dry extremely fast after you wash it?
* Is it dry no matter how much moisturizing conditioner you use?
* When you run your finger down a single strand of hair, doesn’t it feel uneven and bumpy?

Then there's the water test: Fill a medium-size bowl with room temperature water, take a few strands of hair out of a comb or brush (for my extension-wearing friends, please make sure the hair is yours. I'm just sayin ...) and place them in the bowl. Wait two minutes. If you hair starts to sink, its porous. The longer it takes to sink, the less porous it is.

If your hair is extremely porous:

I recommend a hard protein treatment. My fave is Aphogee two-step protein treatment.

I love this product because it makes you hair instantly stronger. Plus, it comes in single packets, so you don’t have to buy a whole bottle just to try it. Always use a clarifying shampoo first and use the moisturizing conditioner that comes with it (or your own) after. Use this 2-step process every 6 weeks.

If your hair is semi-porous:
Grab some Aphogee 2-minute reconstructor.

This product is a must-have! Not as strong as the two-step treatment, but it still packs a punch. After you use it as instructed on the back of the bottle, follow up with an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse. That's one part apple cider vinegar and three parts room temperature water. Use it after your final conditioner to help seal your hair cuticles and give it a shine! Do this every other week for about 2 months. Then retry your water test again. I promise you'll be happy with your progress.

If your hair is healthy:
Don’t think you’re off the hook. Make sure you do what it takes to maintain that head of hair. Buy the Aphogee 2-minute treatment, and use it once a month. Do an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse 2 times a month. Also, a clear rinse (like the color ones you buy for a tint of color, except these ones are clear), or the ones with the tint, are great ways to smooth the cuticles of your hair down, retain moisture, and shiny instantly. I highly recommend them.


hcg said...

wow great i have read many articles about this topic and everytime i learn something new i dont think it will ever stop always new info , Thanks for all of your hard work!

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